
All articles drawn from the Associated Press unless otherwise noted. Commentary is created in house.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Coverage may be unaffordable for low-wage workers

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama's health care law is called the Affordable Care Act, but a glitch could make it unaffordable for many low-wage workers, including employees at big chain restaurants, retail stores and hotels.
Here's the problem:
The law requires medium-sized and large employers to offer what it calls "affordable" coverage or face fines.
But policy experts and corporate consultants say the definition of "affordable" can mean premiums up to 9.5 percent of an employee's income.
And that could be unaffordable for many people making around $20,000 a year or a few thousand more.
Some supporters of the law are disappointed. They say a fix will be needed.
The White House says the worries are overblown. Administration officials say they expect most companies will do the right thing.
( or howzabout this for a plan, cut the greedy insurance companies out of the equation. Let’s face it folks the insurance situation in this country is out of control, sure it’s nice to have coverage but really think about this a minute, if I went around and said to people, “hey, accidents happen, you should give me money or you can’t drive your car. Or you can’t have a job,” I’d be arrested, people would be outraged! But I can say that as an insurance company and be supported by the full weight of the law! I can go to jail, actual bars and concrete JAIL for not having insurance. Not giving my money to some corporation for a promise is illegal. forcing me to pay up or JAIL is perfectly legal. Call your congressman, complain about this, demand action. It’s not about “Obamacare” ,it’s about being extorted.)

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